Highest Creditworthiness Rating
Highest Creditworthiness Rating is above-average rating value of entities-economic operators. It is based on the entities' financial statements for the last business year and forecasts the safety of operations in the next twelve months.

HACCP is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product. In Pomurske mlekarne we have introduced the HACCP system throughout the chain axis accepts up to the final product.

IFS Food

Halal Certificate
V Pomurskih mlekarnah smo pridobili halal certifikat, s katerim se potrjuje implementacija halal standarda v proces nabave, sprejema in skladiščenja nabave, proizvodnje, pakiranja, označevanja ter skladiščenja in distribucija proizvoda. Certifikat predstavlja dodatno potrditev o kvaliteti proizvodov za potrošnike, ki so islamske veroizpovedi.